Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away..

I've never been one to settle down.

Since the day I moved out of my mom's house at 16, I've never been satisfied staying in one place. The longest I've lived anywhere since I've been on my own is 1 full year. I first moved to Santa Barbara, where I moved 4 times in two years before moving to Orange County, where I moved twice. Then I moved to LA. Then I moved home. Then I moved to Santa Barbara again. Now back to Orange County.

I don't know what it is but I'm just not able to be content living the same life day in and day out. Unless I'm emotionally attached to a job (which I have only been once) I want a new one every few months.

I must be a tough person to be in a relationship with because my heart may be in one place but my brain is always dragging me in 10 different directions.

What I'm getting at is I want to move.

I want to move to New York. I want to move back to LA. I want to live in Europe. Should I live in France? Switzerland? Germany? Should I go to New Zealand?

The idea of living in a place I'm totally unfamiliar with, without the crutch of people I know living nearby, is daunting to most but completely tempting for me.

There's a popular belief amongst anthropologists that you must immerse yourself in an unfamiliar world to truly understand your own.